
iOS 6 and iPhone 5 ready! The Best Scientific Calculator - Try It for Free! You get an App for iPad, iPhone and iTouch. Do calculations much faster than with other calculators. Easy to change settings and find functions. This free version displays ads on the iPad but has full functionality. The ad free version is Scientific Calc, which also allows backgrounds to be selected. Detail Description On the iPhone and iTouch swipe left or right with your finger to change between function groups, this allows you to work faster and more reliable, than when using rotation or \\"2nd\\" function keys. The iPad shows all the functions on one screen when in landscape orientation, which allows fast and convenient work. Backgrounds may be changed and ads disabled by going to Info - Disable Ads and Get Backgrounds. The number display may be set to show Scientific, Engineering, Fixed or Default format when showing values and different number of decimal digits. It´s fully international in representing numbers as the user prefers with his country settings, so the period button becomes a comma in Europe. The calculations are done in extended accuracy so that the square root of 2 repeated a few times, followed by a square will result in 2, not 2.000000001 (try this on other calculators). A low audible sound confirms your pressing of a button, which may easily be disabled by touching the speaker icon or turning off on the Info sheet. Last calculation can likewise be repeated by pressing the equal sign, and there are visible and audible warnings when an attempt is made to divide by zero or take the square root of a negative number. Memory is saved between uses. Degrees and Radians can be switched by pressing the symbol on the screen or a button. The calculator shows local numericals depending on your Region Formats, Settings, i.e. arabic ١٢٣.


