
新视线 The Outlook Magazine 正式登陆iPhone平台!支持最新的 iPhone 5 及 iOS 6,随时接收全球创意领域的最新资讯,随地分享创意生活的点滴灵感。 《新视线》致力于成为中国新生代都市精英与创意新贵的生活美学指南,从时装到建筑,从居家到旅行,从生活到设计,从艺术到人文,新视线联合国际与本土顶尖创意人、生活家与您分享灵感——你的生活方式和审美态度正体现在每一个生活细节之中。 《新视线》自2002年创刊,屡获殊荣,多次被亚洲出版协会评为最佳设计杂志,2009年被国际权威设计时尚杂志《Wallpaper》评为最具型格的中国杂志。 We strive to become a magazine synonymous to a lifestyle guide for The Creative Elite, and the new generation of creative and artistic talent of China. We believe that lifestyle and the view of aesthetics is the reflection of small personal details. That is why we cover content ranging from fashion to architecture, from travel to art, and from culture to design. The Outlook Magazine brings together creative professional and fellow life-stylists on both a local and international level, to share with you their inspirations and outlook on life. The Outlook Magazine was first published in 2002 by Modern Media Group, and has received numerous awards and recognition in the publishing industry, as well as being a multiple winner for The Society of Publishers in Asia’s Awards for Editorial Excellence. In 2009, it was recognized by internationally renowned design magazine Wallpaper as a “new generation Chinese magazine”.


