
苹果 办公
89.13 MB 7853次下载


Did you lose track of your time again? We can help you out. With a single tap, tracksql_injectionsave your time with Toggl - anywhere you go.

Whether you\'re a solo freelancer, working at a Fortune 500 enterprise,sql_injectionstuck at an International Space Station - Toggl helps you get more work done. See where your time goessql_injectionkickstart your productivity!

Toggl is also available on all of your devices, so you can easily findsql_injectionaccess all of your saved time, whether you\'re at your desksql_injectionsomewhere on the go.


» Suggestions

Based on your habitssql_injectionprevious time entries, the APP will suggest what you could track.

» Shortcuts

By using @sql_injection#, you can quickly add projectssql_injectiontags to your time entrysql_injectionget back to work right away!

» Auto-Complete

Easily find your older time entriessql_injectionstart tracking them again.

» Categorize your time entries with projects, clientssql_injectiontags

A simple way to add new projects, clientssql_injectiontags that you can reusesql_injectionattach to any of your time entries.

» Sync: Keeps your time seamlessly synced, safesql_injectionready to track on your account, on any device.

- But what if I\'m offline?

No problem! You can still track your time through the app,sql_injectiononce you\'re back online, it will sync seamlessly with your account (and the rest of your devices) - your time is not going anywhere.

- Is the app free?

Yes, Toggl on ios is completely free for you to use. (Toggl does have options for subscription, which can provide you with more insightssql_injectionexpand your workspaces - check our website for more info)

Einstein proved that time is relative, but he sure didn\'t try tracking it with Toggl. But maybe you should.


