
苹果 教育
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#重要#5月11日至5月12日期间学校网络学堂数据库迁移,服务终端,App会闪退,请各位之后再使用,谢谢! 一年半前做了第一个版本的清华学堂,当时反响还不错。后来种种原因没能很好的做更新和拓展,一直没有什么大变动。 今年自己马上要毕业,想着以后可能没有什么时间来维护这个项目,就从大约一个月前开始重新设计,然后是coding,完成了这次重大的更新。程序本身并不复杂,但是我们想把简单的东西做的好点,于是有了不断的修改不断的重设计。我兄弟陈欣是第一版的主要编写人之一,同时帮助我完成了程序的重构,测试以及Bug调试,好兄弟。 清华学堂这个名字是我爱的女孩取的,她也是这个App的两个版本的设计师,为提升我的设计审美起到了不可估量的作用。 园子中也有别人在做类似的项目,但是我觉得我们做的比他们做得好,是绝对比他们做得好。一是因为我们有情怀,二是因为我们用心做了。 不想给大学留下遗憾,也想着为清华的学生朋友们做点能留下来的东西,这是我们做“清华学堂”的初衷。 当然,仍然有很多可以做的改进,比如之前学期的课程查看,或者讨论组的支持这类。 要是能有社团或者个人开发者愿意接手这个项目,我会感激涕零的。真心希望能有。 作为免费同时开源的项目,欢迎一切指正和批评。 我们爱这个园子,总想她变得更好一点,再好一点。 Pepgo 4/14/2013 iTsinghua had been accepted into the App Store once last year with the name of \\"清华学堂\\", this time we have delete that application because of the developer account change and want to re-upload the application to the App Store with the name of \\"iTsinghua\\". This application is designed only for the students of Tsinghua University. Only the students of the university have the accounts to log into this application. No other way to register a new account. Tsinghua Web School (http//learn.tsinghua.edu.cn) is a very old website, and it does not have a mobile version, so students with iOS machines can not easily use it. But our application can help them solve this problem. Student with our application could browse the homeworks and notifications of his or her courses, and directly read the course documents. There are four tabs in the application homework, note, file and setting. In the homework tab student can view the state or the content of their homework. In the note tab students can view their notes of their class. In the file tab student can view files of the class, students need do download files they need to watch. The first view of each tab is nearly the same with a list of the student`s classes, and each student has his/her own classes list.Student need to choose the class to see the next view of homework list or notes list or the file list.


