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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 宠物爱好者们的社区! 你爱你的宠物吗? 你对待他(她)们就像你家庭里的一份子吗? 你喜欢看看全球各地各式各样的宠物吗? 你有小宝贝在你的家里吗? 想让别人关心和了解他们吗? 如果是的, 那么“宠物阿米诺”应用就是为你设计的。在宠物阿米诺社区中, 你不光可以的浏览格式宠物, 了解它们的习性, 跟宠物主人进行交流, 询问问题,而且你也可以很方便的从手机为你的宠物输入信息, 随时随地为你的宠物拍摄照片和视频, 让从全球各地的人们都知道每天他都在干嘛?又学到了什么新的本领?有什么新打扮? 快来加入“宠物阿米诺”吧! 注 宠物阿米诺 是邻家宠物的升级版本。 Do you love your pet? Do you treat them like part of the family? Then you’ve found the right app! Pets Amino is the perfect mobile society for dog, cat, and other pet enthusiasts! Whether you have a Shih Tzu, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Poodle, or Yorkshire Terrier this is a great place for dog lovers. Or maybe you have a Maine C**n, Siamese, Persian or Briman - the cat lovers out there will love this place as well. But don’t you fear, those with more unique companions like horses, ferrets, fish, hedgehogs, rabbits, rodents or even alpacas you’ll find your place in this community. Discover others who share a passion for pets nearby and around the world. Ask and answer questions on the fly and search for questions all having to do with pets, including location based topics. FEATURES ★ Share your pet pictures and stories with others ★ Browse pictures of cute pets near and far ★ Ask questions to get insights from other pet enthusiasts ★ Write answers to share your knowledge with others and gain reputation points ★ Discover other pet lovers nearby and far away EXAMPLES ★ Find German Shepherds all over the world ★ Ask for health tips for your cat ★ Answer a question about the best food for small dogs and gain reputation points ★ Tell a funny story about something your pet did to share with other pet lovers Tell us why you love Pets Amino and be the first to learn about our upcoming updates VISIT US http//getAmino.com FOLLOW US http//www.twitter.com/petsamino LIKE US http//www.facebook.com/petsamino



