2016除了苹果什么样手机拍照好一些?如何解读苹果公司 2017 年第一财季财报(自然年 2016 年第四季度)

时间:2017-12-29 11:40:02   浏览:次   点击:次   作者:   来源:   立即下载

③星,旗舰机,s⑧ · s⑦ · s⑦ edge,基本已经超过苹果了





nobia z①①


说不定苹果以后就像现在的黑莓①样,靠吃专利和企业服务。。。当然现在黑莓连企业服务都不怎么靠得住了。恰好昨晚看到这篇写于 ①③ 年的文章,提供了①个不同的视角,中心意思是说苹果将继续辉煌,因为这不取决于苹果是否能作出更好的硬件产品,而是苹果能为开发者提供①个最佳的平台。原文来自Forrest Liau\'s answer to Is Apple dying? - Quora ,我粗略地翻译了①下。

When I accepted a job offer at Apple this year, some friends were surprised I did so. I\'ve been getting all sorts of comments and questions such as:

\"Apple passed its prime. Why waste time at a company that has nowhere to go but down?\"

\"Without Steve Jobs, Apple won\'t be innovating anymore.\"

\"There will never be another big opportunity like iPhone.\"

\"Will Apple stock reach $⑦⓪⓪ ever again?\"今年当我接受苹果的职位时,①些朋友很惊讶我会这么做。许多朋友有这样的评价或疑问:



“再也不会有另①个像 iPhone 这样巨大的机会了。”

“苹果的股票还会再上 ⑦⓪⓪ 美元吗?”

Since I\'m starting my Apple job soon and don\'t yet have any inside knowledge, I\'ll describe why I joined Apple and what I think the future holds. Once I start work, I\'m going ninja stealth mode, so this is all you\'ll get from me. 由于我刚开始在苹果的工作,而且还没有什么深入的知识,我将解释为什么我加入苹果,以及我认为未来(苹果的)走势如何。①旦我开始工作,我将开启忍者(?)模式,所以这也是你可以从我这学习到的①点。

Apple singularly focuses on creating products that delight customers so much that they\'re willing to pay above-market prices and feel it\'s absolutely worth it. It\'s like Noma (arguably the most creative restaurant in the world) versus McDonalds. People go to McD because it tastes ok and is really cheap. People go to Noma for the most mind-blowing culinary experience money can buy. I chose Apple because I want to spend my next ①⓪ years developing products and operational practices that elevate society\'s standards for business. Was it really necessary to build computers out of highly recyclable aluminum? ①⓪⓪% renewable energy at all data centers? Accessibility features in Mac OS that most people don\'t need? No, but it was the right thing to do. Apple pushes the envelope because it has people who care about this kind of stuff.苹果格外注重于创造能够取悦消费者的产品,所以他们也乐意偿付超过市场水准的价格,而且他们认为这是非常值得的。这就像 Noma (可以认为是全世界最富创造力的餐厅——原文注)和 McDonalds 相比。人们去 McDonalds 是因为它吃起来还可以而且便宜。人们去 Noma 是因为(那里有)能用钱买到的最令人兴奋的烹饪体验。我选择苹果因为我希望用 ①⓪ 年时间来开发产品和实践,来提升整个社会对商务的标准。真的有必要用高度可重复利用的铝来制造电脑吗?再所有数据中心使用 ①⓪⓪% 可再生能源?Mac OS 中大部分人所不需要的简易特性?不,但这就是应该做的事情。苹果竭尽所能因为它的员工关心这类事情。

Ultimately I accepted my offer because my interviewer (and future boss) was willing to take a chance with me knowing that I have passion and high standards but little direct experience for the job. There\'s nothing untouchable at Apple, he said (besides the vision of the industrial design team), and it\'s up to me to decide where in the company or supply chain innovation is needed. The people I\'ve met at Apple have such intense professionalism that I wouldn\'t be surprised to find a piece of Steve Job\'s DNA in their genes. 我最终接受这个职位是因为我的面试官(也是我未来的上司——原文注),他很乐意给我①个机会去尝试,我拥有热情和高标准但没有什么直接的工作经验。他说,在苹果没有什么是不能达到的(除了工业设计团队的视角——原文注),而且不论我选择在公司或者是供应链,创新观念都是必须的。我在苹果看到的这些人,高度热情而且有专业技术,所以我并不惊讶于他们的基因里有乔布斯的 DNA。

With a week before I start my job, I\'ve come to realize that Apple\'s future depends not on its ability to make elegant products, but rather its ability to create a platform for the ①⓪ · ⓪⓪⓪ best developers to reach and serve customers via apps. The million developers out in the world can provide more and better content and services than any singular company can hope to produce, therefore the future winner is the one that can serve developers the most. As long as Apple makes the most delightful hardware and software environment, and prioritizes ease of apps development/delivery, then the future is bright. As you might know, software and media piracy is a huge problem in Asia, therefore a closed apps ecosystem like Apple\'s could be the only way for small Asian consumer software and media businesses to make profit sustainably there. International app stores will unleash the world\'s creative talent. ①周前我开始了新工作,我意识到,苹果的未来并不取决于它制造出优雅产品的能力,而是它提供了①个平台,使得 ①⓪ · ⓪⓪⓪ 开发者能够通过 app 来接触和服务消费者。相比于其他卓越的公司所希望能够做到的,全世界数百万的开发者(在苹果)能够提供更多更好的内容和服务,所以未来的赢家应该是最能够服务于开发者的。只要苹果能够制造出最令人喜悦的硬件和软件环境,区分 app 的开发和推送(?),那么未来是光明的。就像你所知道的那样,软件和媒体盗版在亚洲是①个巨大的问题,所以①个类似于苹果的封闭 app 生态环境,对于亚洲小型的软件和媒体产业来说,是唯①①个能够稳定盈利的途径。国际 app store 将会释放全球的创造才能。

Future blockbusters will come in the form of new platforms through which developers can touch our lives. An iTV would enable apps for the living room. An iWatch would enable apps for the body, with its usefulness for developers pending on how many different biometric sensors can be crammed into a watch to estimate blood sugar, hydration, stress, etc. An iPhone/iPod/iPad would enable car apps once there\'s a way for the devices to talk with your car. Through an app, your car could automatically arrange an oil change appointment for you when needed, taking into account where you live and your schedule for the week. If I stay at Apple long term, I intend to bring apps and robotics to the home kitchen to help people manage their groceries and cook healthy meals effortlessly.将来,①个个重磅炸弹将会以新平台的方式展现出来,而开发者将会通过这些平台接触到我们的生活。Apple TV 将会让我们在卧室使用 app。Apple Watch 将会携带用语身体的 app,开发者会觉得 Apple Watch 非常有用因为很多不同的生物传感器将会放进这个手表,来检测血糖、水化作用(?)、血压等等。iPhone / iPod / iPad 将会让我们在汽车中使用 app,只要我们能够有设备与汽车交流。通过①个 app,你的汽车将能够在你需要的时候,自动安排更换机油的预约,将你①周的居住地和计划也考虑在内。如果我能够在苹果呆很长时间,我将会尝试将 app 和机器人带入厨房,来帮助人们毫不费力地管理食品和烹饪健康餐饮。

That said, I don\'t have any advice for Apple stock. It might not be until ②⓪①④ or much later for the next sensational hit to happen, so investors will need patience. The long term growth potential is certainly there, but success will take flawless execution.也就是说,我对苹果股票并没有任何特定的建议。也许到 ②⓪①④ 年或者更晚①些,才会有下①个更轰动的大事件发生,所以投资者需要耐心等待。长期的成长等待是必须的,因为成功需要完美的执行。




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