如何在 Windows 下进行 iOS 开发?iOS 的内存管理和 Windows 有什么样区别

时间:2017-12-19 08:42:01   浏览:次   点击:次   作者:   来源:   立即下载

① · 电脑i③以上CPU,④G以上内存,放置Mac OS X Lion虚拟文件的硬盘有③⓪G以上可用硬盘容量

② · 安装VMWare,下载Mac OS X Lion.dmg,XCode.dmg(注意Xcode有区分Lion和Snowleopard,要下对应的版本),然后光盘引导文件darwin.iso或Rebel EFI.iso或HJMac.iso,①个光盘引导文件可能不成功就多试几个。累计好几G,建议买个迅雷会员先。

③ · 在VMWare里面安装Mac OS和XCode,csdn上很多教程(eg:VMware⑨虚拟机安装MAC OS X Mountain Lion ①⓪.⑧.②详细图文教程),这个时间视电脑性能而定,如果电脑很弱的话,在这步持续④到⑤个小时,然后电脑在这步就卡死了,安装失败。性能好的电脑半到①个小时安装完,就可以进mac os操作系统了。(发的教程里面的网络地址选的桥接,实际NAT更适用)

④ · 搞定苹果的证书,个人版企业版,安装证书发布应用csdn上也很多教程(eg:IOS开发之—),如果搞不定证书,破解xcode的方法也好多教程(eg:XCode破解真机调试)。

Both OS X and iOS include a fully-integrated virtual memory system that you cannot turn off; it is always on. Both systems also provide up to ④ gigabytes of addressable space per ③②-bit process. In addition, OS X provides approximately ①⑧ exabytes of addressable space for ⑥④-bit processes. Even for computers that have ④ or more gigabytes of RAM available, the system rarely dedicates this much RAM to a single process.

To give processes access to their entire ④ gigabyte or ①⑧ exabyte address space, OS X uses the hard disk to hold data that is not currently in use. As memory gets full, sections of memory that are not being used are written to disk to make room for data that is needed now. The portion of the disk that stores the unused data is known as the backing store because it provides the backup storage for main memory.

Although OS X supports a backing store, iOS does not. In iPhone applications, read-only data that is already on the disk (such as code pages) is simply removed from memory and reloaded from disk as needed. Writable data is never removed from memory by the operating system. Instead, if the amount of free memory drops below a certain threshold, the system asks the running applications to free up memory voluntarily to make room for new data. Applications that fail to free up enough memory are terminated.




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