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As an American, we frequently encounter non-English native speakers that can communicate effectively in English. What\'s more important? 作为跨国企业管理者,我经常遇到非英语母语的人能说①口流利的英文。那么在沟通过程中,有没有比英文流利更加重要的呢?

Speaking Excellent English - This requires study, practice, and immersion in an English-speaking environment. The focus is pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. 英语交流只需要在英文环境中反复的练习发音,语法和增加词汇量。②. Communicating Effectively in English - This requires basic English, Empathy, Cultural Awareness, and Self-Awareness. The focus is persuasion (goodwill), acceptance, and alignment (win-win). 而高效地英文沟通不仅需要英语交流功底,更需要具备同理心,文化意识和自我意识。聚焦在说服对方,接纳对方实现双赢上面。

Let\'s discuss No. ② Communicating Effectively in English: 接下来我们探讨①下如何高效的英文沟通:

The fundamental goal of communicating effectively in any language is to reduce GAA Barriers. These are the barriers that prevent you from achieving greater Goodwill, Acceptance, and Alignment. 任何语言的沟通的基本目标是为了减少GAA(说服对方,接纳对方和实现双赢)壁垒。

Some Beneficial Techniques for Achieving No. ② that can be further improved with greater cultural awareness: 以下几个小贴士能帮助扫除GAA壁垒,从而进行高效的沟通。

Rhythm/Tempo (节奏) -- Speaking too fast or too slowly can be annoying or distracting. Pay attention and try to adopt the tempo and speaking rhythm of your main audience or listener. And be aware that different cultures emphasize different cadence and tempo in their natural communications. 节奏 – 语速太快或者太慢都可能让对方走神。采用对方易于接受的说话节奏能够帮助对方集中精力聆听。需要注意的是不同语言的交流倾向于不同的节奏。Focus on the MAIN POINT (重点) -- When speaking to Americans or Westerners in English, always start by stating your \"main point\", conclusion, or recommendation. Do not tell a background story first! Listeners might get lost and be unable to follow your logic and therefore never understand your \"main point\".讲重点—跟西方人沟通时,先讲“重点”,长话短说。不要①来就说故事的背景!否则对方会被你搞糊涂,抓不住你到底想说什么。Attitude (态度) -- If you attitude is POSITIVE and OPTIMISTIC, Westerners will likely be more engaged and willing to listen. Pessimism and negative comments will often lead to senseless debates, disagreements, or arguments. 态度 - 如果你的态度是积极乐观的,西方人更愿意和你交流,倾听你所说的。悲观负面的态度往往导致无意义的辩论,分歧,或是争吵。

\"Soft Skills\" that universally enhance Effective Communications: 良好的“软技能”是进行高效的进行沟通的万能药。这包括:

EMPATHY (同理心)SELF-AWARENESS (自我意识)Imagine two Chinese people (or any two people for that matter) who speak a common language arguing back-and-forth. Both sides are aggressively trying to GET THEIR MAIN POINT ACROSS, but neither side is really listening. Communication breaks down, misunderstandings become disagreements, and escalation leads to an argument. They speak a common language, but their communication with each other is very poor and ineffective. 打个比方,两个中国人在用中文争论的时候。双方都强硬地要说他们想说的话,试图要求对方明白。结果却是自说自话,声音越来越大。沟通不成,鸡同鸭讲。虽然他们说着同样的语言,但是沟通却是非常低效的。

Most important aspect of Effective Communications is LISTENING! 最重要的高效沟通技巧是聆听!


①. 不需要上培训班,工作中的使用将是提高英语水平的最快方法,培训班意义不大;

②. 目前也不要花时间去抠语法书,能过④级说明基本的语法知识已掌握,对于口语来说,这点语法够了;

③. 词汇要学习,但不是漫无目的地背单词。相信你对平时工作中会使用到的本行业相关的中文词已经很熟悉,这所有用到的中文词你是否都知道用英文怎么说呢?你需要编制的是自己的词汇表,里面是你在工作中会用到的词或是表达方式。第①步优先掌握这些词汇,有时间再去看其他词;

④. 工作中主要使用的是邮件和口语。邮件注意看海外客户写给你的邮件,工作中常用的表达就那么几个模式,从客户、同事的邮件里把这些套路的表达方式搬来用用就好了。而且写邮件有时间查询修正,不知道怎么写的直接上网查,经常写发现就那么几个句型;

⑤. 口语说的时候先只注重关键词的正确,忽略语法,例如时态、单复数之类的都忽略,只求关键词正确基础上的流利就可以了。做到这①步之后会发现语法会自动补全,从此语法也正确了。其实是因为大脑对于这些关键词非常熟悉之后,有多余的内存可以来处理语法问题了。


英语环境下的海外留学生在学业之外,需要做哪些额外的努力才能真的提高英语能力? - 知乎




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